Gaurav and Mark Minukas, Unfear
(McGraw Hill, 2021)
November 2023
It’s been awhile since we updated you, so here’s our next round of exciting announcements!
New Release:
Dr. David Vaughn’s book, The Secret Life of Corals: Sex, War and Rocks that Don’t Roll, is published and available for purchase. In this funny and intriguing book, David takes a “deep dive” into what makes corals so amazing, and why they are so important for life both on land and in the sea. Make sure you buy your copy!
Book Deals:
Dr. Sulman Ahmed has signed with Matt Holt books (an imprint of BenBella) for his upcoming title: Make Them Smile: Why Customer Satisfaction is the Key to Rapid and Sustainable Growth. Congratulations Sulman!
Charles Camarda has signed with Headline Books Inc. for his title, Culture Crash: Why Great Organizations Fail and What to Do About It.
Valentina Fomenko has signed with Business Expert Press (BEP) for her upcoming book, Good for Business: How to Respond to Climate Change without Sacrificing Profit and Growth.
Signed with Agents:
David Johnson has signed with Park & Fine Literary Management to represent him in the sale of his book about activism and how to reclaim our power using principles from design theory.
Benedict Schwegler has signed with Mark Creative Management to represent him for his book about how human consciousness came to be and how it will determine our future.
We can’t wait to see all these books on the shelves!
June 2023
We’ve got so many exciting updates as we head into the summer (and new books to add to your summer reading list)!!
Congratulations to Shelly Omilade Bell for the publication and success of her book, Originate, Motivate, Innovate: 7 Steps for Building a Billion Dollar Network, published by Wiley. Shelly offers a new perspective on how to get your business funded as a female entrepreneur of color. In the book, she presents the mindsets, tools, tactics, and strategies an entrepreneur needs to succeed in a venture capital environment that is largely designed by―and for―white males. Make sure you grab your copy now!
Our client Chris Prange-Morgan also has a new book out: Broken, Brave and Bittersweet: Forging Fiercely Through Disability, Parenthood, and Other Misadventures. In this compilation of essays, Chris details her experience of adopting a son with severe emotional and physical trauma, the excessive burnout that followed, and the life changing accident that happened as a result. Through her story, she shows us that living and working through trauma can give us a unique perspective and teach us grace and compassion.
And another huge congratulations to Dr. Jon Cohen and his book Swab: Leadership in the Race to Provide COVID Testing to America, published by Skyhorse. His book is released this month, on June 27th! Make sure you grab your copy for a fascinating peek behind the scenes at the race to get COVID testing to the public, and how Dr. Cohen and BioReference Laboratories led the charge.
And a final congratulations to our clients Julio Cacho and Juan Carlos Herrera for their book, Close the Gap & Get Your Share: How Immigrants and Their Families Can Build and Protect Generational Wealth in the US, published by Matt Holt (an imprint of BenBella). Julio and Juan Carlos wrote this book for immigrants, their descendants, and anyone else looking to learn the unbiased truth about investing. They provide a step-by-step guide to generating and passing on wealth in the US, and in the process, they dispel financial myths and offer a secure path to building generational wealth.
It is available for pre-order now and will be released on August 1st!
We also have an agent who has agreed to represent one of our authors, so we’ll announce the details once it’s all finalized.
We are so proud of our clients and the phenomenal work they are doing!
April 2023
It’s been a while since our last update, but that just means that we’ve got a lot to share with you now!
Our client Dr. William Li’s new book, Eat to Beat Your Diet, officially came out on March 21, 2023 and it shot right up and onto the New York Times’ Bestsellers List! We now have assisted Dr. Li in writing TWO New York Times bestsellers! Make sure you get your copy!
Another client, Dr. Jon R. Cohen, officially signed with Skyhorse publishing for his book, SWAB!: The Untold Story of the Wild Scramble for COVID Testing in the U.S. and Reflections on Leadership, which takes us behind the scenes at Bioreference Laboratories and their herculean efforts to get COVID-19 tests to the public–including organizations like the NBA, NFL, Carnival Cruise Lines, and the entire public school system in New York City. Stay tuned for an official release date.
Also, it’s on the DL for now, but we have two more clients with offers from publishers. We will disclose the details as soon as everything is inked and official.
Finally, we want to congratulate our former teammate and long-time friend, Carolyn Purnell for the release of her book, Blue Jeans, which considers the versatility of this iconic garment and investigates what makes denim a universal signifier, ready to fit any context, meaning, and body. Congrats Carolyn!
Stay tuned for many more exciting updates!
December 2022
We have a couple exciting updates to close out 2022!
Sarah Dusek has officially signed with Georgetown University Press for her book, Making Big Happen: The Pitch Deck Formula for Women Who Want to Change the World. Congratulations Sarah!
Steve Kahan’s book High-Velocity Digital Marketing: Silicon Valley Secrets to Create Breakthrough Revenue in Record Time, is out and topping the charts! In its first few weeks, he made #4 on Wall Street Journal and #1 new release on Amazon. Congrats Steve!
We can’t wait for 2023 and many more exciting announcements for our amazing clients!
October 2022
Several of our clients have new releases out or on the horizon. Each client in the list below came to us for help, and we aided them in preparing a book proposal, getting an agent, and also offered editorial support in their writing efforts. We’ve listed them here in order of publication date, starting with the most recent.
No matter your goals, we’re willing bet you’ll find at least a couple to help you on your journey. Also, note that a great way to support authors with their new book is to pre-order. It not only aids publishers in gauging the size of their first print run, it helps generate momentum!
November 8, 2022
Will Russell’s book, Launch in 5: Take Your Idea from Lightbulb Moment to Profitable Business in Record Time (Nicholas Brealey), officially launched November 8. If you are getting ready to start a new business online, this book provides a comprehensive guide on how to rapidly turn an idea into a money-making machine—whether it is a side gig or a headfirst dive into the world of entrepreneurship.
December 6, 2022
Steve Kahan has an official pub date for his book, High-Velocity Digital Marketing: Silicon Valley Secrets to Create Breakthrough Revenue in Record Time (Ben Bella), and it’s almost here! His book provides B2B sales and marketing teams with a blueprint for quickly accelerating revenue growth. Pre-order now, or purchase when it comes out on December 6th, 2022.
March 21, 2023
Dr. William Li’s second book and sequel to NYT bestseller, Eat To Beat Disease, has an official pub date! In Eat to Beat Your Diet: Burn Fat, Heal Your Metabolism, and Live Longer (Grand Central Publishing), Dr. Li introduces the surprising new science of weight loss, revealing that healthy body fat can help you lose weight; your metabolism at 60 can be the same as when you were 20; yo-yo dieting can be good for your health; and more. It will be published March 21, 2023, and it’s available for preorder now.
June 20, 2023
Joanna Grover’s and Jonathan Rhodes’s book, The Choice Point: The Scientifically Proven Method to Push Past Mental Walls and Achieve Your Goals (Hachette Go), is nearing its pub date too! Their book explains how we experience thousands of thoughts every day but we make most of our decisions within two seconds, using mental autopilot systems that we’ve built through years of experiences. Some of our thoughts can compromise our goals, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Available for pre-order now, it’s slated for publication on June 20, 2023.
July 2022
After a long wait, we are thrilled to announce several big wins for our clients!
Deborah Hines has sold her book, Get Off My Neck: White Justice, Black Lives, and Prosecutorial Reform, to MIT Press. It will feature personal anecdotes about Debbie’s family history and stories of her days as a prosecutor and private trial attorney, demonstrating what she feels is wrong with the prosecutorial system, how it systemically targets Black people, and ways to fix it.
Chris Prange-Morgan has officially partnered with Publish Your Purpose to publish her memoir, Full Catastrophe Parenting: Adoption, Disability, Trauma, and Other Joys of Motherhood.
Plus, we are wrapping up revisions to the manuscript for Joanna Grover and Jonathan Rhodes’s upcoming book with Hachette, The Choice Point: The Scientifically Proven Method to Push Past Mental Walls and Achieve Your Goals.
Make sure to check back here for our announcements when these world-changing books hit the shelves!
February 2022
We are proud to announce three big wins this month!
Sarah Dusek has signed with the Linda Konner Agency to represent her as her literary agent for her book on how women entrepreneurs can have greater global influence by playing bigger in business.
And co-author team Julio Cacho, Juan Carlos Herrera, and Brian Bova’s book on investing advice for immigrants will be published by Ben Bella.
Finally, we’d be remiss if we did not remind you that the wait for Christine Hronec’s book is finally over! Unlock Your Macro Type, published by Harper Collins, officially became available March 8th – get your copy here.
January 2022
Michelle Begina has secured an agent with the Philip G. Spitzer Literary Agency to represent her book on how women can create and build wealth.
And Dr. NO is officially available for purchase! If you haven’t pre-ordered this fantastic memoir from our client and Nobel laureate, Dr. Louis Ignarro, get it here. It’s available just in time for Heart Health month here in the U.S.
We have five more clients gearing up for big announcements, but it’s still a little too early to release the details. Stay tuned.
December 2021
Closing out 2021 strong! Here are our client wins from the last couple months.
Signed with Agent
Our very own Sharon Washington has signed with Sterling Lord Literistic to represent her in the sale of her debut novel. We couldn’t be happier for her or more proud!
Our client Dr. Lou Ignarro has signed with Park & Fine to represent him for his second book, before his first one is even released. (Psst, if you missed our last client update, you can pre-order his first book, a memoir called Dr. NO: The Discovery that Led to a Nobel Prize & Viagra here.)
Plus, we have two other clients on the verge of signing with agents, stay tuned for details once each is inked.
Books That Sold
Shelly Omilâdè Bell has officially signed with Wiley for her book on entrepreneurial success for women of color.
Steve Kahan, with the help of his agent Linda Konnor, has sold his second book with us to Ben Bella. The title is High Velocity Digital Marketing, and his manuscript is already complete!
And we have another client who has received an offer on their book. Details to be revealed once it’s all official. 🙂
New Releases
After being delayed due to an international paper shortage, Unfear: Transform Your Organization to Create Breakthrough Performance, by Gaurav Bhatnagar and Mark Minukas, is finally in stores and available for purchase on Amazon! Get your copy here.
We can’t wait to see what 2022 holds in store!
Happy holidays from everyone at R Colucci LLC. See you in the New Year!
October 2021
Lots of wins to report this month.
Signed with Agent
Our clients Julio Cacho and Juan Carlos Herrera signed with Literary Agent Linda Konnor to represent their book on investing advice for immigrants.
Steven Kahan, whom we already helped to write and sell Be A Startup Superstar, is working with us on his second book, and his agent is currently pitching his proposal and receiving offers.
Books Sold
Joanna Grover Watson and Dr. Jonathan Rhodes book on functional imagery training has sold to a Big 5 publisher TBA.
And Will Russel’s book about how to fast-track starting an online business has sold to Hodder and Stoughton.
New Releases
We are proud to announce a slew of new releases by our clients, either just out or coming soon and available for pre-sales.
They span a range of topics, from business leadership, to space exploration and environmental conservation, to winning the Nobel Prize. Whichever topic calls to you, rest assured you’ll find plenty of concrete strategies, unique perspectives, and dazzling inspiration.
The Frontline CEO: Turn Employees into Decision Makers Who Innovate Solutions, Win Customers, and Boost Profits by Eric Strafel
Drawing on 20 years of experience as an executive at various Fortune 500 companies, Eric Strafel shows leaders and business owners how they can grow their company while also empowering employees at every level to become effective decision makers. In this model, every employee is treated like a leader, doing away with top-down leadership and instituting a more nimble and productive system.
Change happens fast, and companies can no longer hope to survive if they don’t learn to adapt. With Strafel’s knowledge, strategies, and tactics, leaders can ensure their business and employees not only survive but thrive. He’ll show you how to decentralize and democratize decision-making at every level, from the CEO to the entry level employees. United by the same goal and empowered to take charge, organizations that implement this approach will win customers, innovate solutions, and boost profits. This is a must read for any business owners who are seeking to grow and scale their company with a purpose driven mission.
The Frontline CEO was published on September 6th by McGraw Hill. Buy it here.
Back to Earth: What Life in Space Taught Me About Our Home Plant – And Our Mission to Protect It by Nicole Stott
Nicole Stott is a retired astronaut and artist who wants people to see our world for what it is: our shared home. Inspired by her experience of seeing Earth from space, Nicole realized how interconnected every living thing is and how essential it is to protect our only home.
Back to Earth shares the essential lessons she learned as an astronaut and human in problem-solving, survival, and crisis response that we can each use to fight climate change. She shares personal stories from her spaceflight and experiences on the International Space Station, in addition to insights from scientists and activists who are working to solve the environmental crisis we’re facing. Ultimately, Nicole reveals how each individual has the power to impact our planet and every living thing it houses. Her key lessons will inspire readers adopt a new perspective and empower them to fight climate change.
Back to Earth was published October 12th by Seal Press. Buy it here.
Unfear: Transform Your Organization to Create Breakthrough Performance and Employee Well-Being by Gaurav Bhatnagar and Mark Minukas of Co-Creation Partners
Fear has dominated the workplace for too long. According to these experts, mismanaged fear is responsible for almost all of the dysfunction that most organizations experience. Gaurav and Mark are two of the top experts on high-performing organizations and in their book Unfear, they show you how to reframe your relationship with fear and anxiety to create a culture of learning to cultivate engaged workers who are at the top of their game.
But its not about eliminating fear entirely – that’s impossible. This book shows business leaders how to reframe fear, using it to create opportunities for learning and growth. Their method is proven to reduce stress and anxiety, boost engagement, and overcome obstacles to success. Within its pages you’ll find key lessons, such as the biological underpinnings of fear, and strategies to implement an unfear transformation, in yourself, your team, and your organization.
Unfear is set to be published October 28th by McGraw Hill. Pre-order it here.
Dr. NO: The Discovery That Led to a Novel Prize & Viagra by Lou Ignarro, PhD
In 1998, Lou Ignarro was awarded the Nobel Prize in medicine for his groundbreaking discovery of nitric oxide (NO) and its many critically important biological actions. His discovery led to the creation of Viagra and today, NO is in clinical trials to become a treatment for COVID-19 patients.
In this book, Lou shares the incredible personal story of his love affair with science. The son of Italian immigrants, he chronicles his journey from a struggling student to a Nobel laureate. This is a detailed peek behind the scenes into the amazing accomplishments and the heartbreaking setbacks of an award-winning scientist. More than anything, he hopes his story inspires the next generation of scientists and shows them that if they’re truly passionate, nothing can stand in their way.
Dr. NO is available for pre-order now, and is set to launch on February 1st, 2022, on the first day of heart health month. Pre-order it here.
Unlock Your Macro Type: Identify Your True Body Type, Understand Your Carb Tolerance, Accelerate Fat Loss by Christine Hronec
Diets are frustrating. And with so many out there – how are you supposed to choose which one to do in the first place?
Scientist, fitness champion and founder of Gauge Girl training, Christine Hronec, has the answer. She’s here to let you know that the one-size-fits-all diets don’t work, and neither does counting calories alone. The key to fat loss is eating the optimum ratio of macronutrients for your unique body.
In her book, Unlock Your Macro Type, Christine shares customizable plans to lose weight according to your macro type– a profile based on your body type and personal carb tolerance. Her quizzes will help you figure out which of the five macro types fit you and lead you step-by-step through the process of weight loss, complete with tailor-made menus, recipes, and workouts. Her method is rooted in science and backed by real-world results from herself and her clients, and it’s designed to get you feeling your best.
Unlock Your Macro Type will launch March 8th, 2022. It’s available for pre-order here.
We hope you enjoy reading these books just as much as we did collaborating on them. I feel so lucky to have had the opportunity to work with these incredible individuals, and I am honored to play a part bringing their world-changing books to fruition.
September 2021
Though publishers continue to navigate the best and worst of times as brought on by COVID, fall, at least, continues to live up to its reputation as one of the industry’s busiest times.
And the same can be said for R Colucci LLC and our recent client wins!
Eric Strafel’s book, The Frontline CEO, hit shelves on September 6. If you’re a leader looking to take your team to the next level, this is the book for you! Congratulations to Eric and the editorial team at McGraw Hill!
We also have a few clients with upcoming pub dates: retired NASA astronaut Nicole Stott’s environmental conservation book, Back to Earth (Seal Press) will be released on Oct 12, and Gaurav Swarup Bhatnagar and Mark Minukas’s groundbreaking business leadership book, Unfear, also published by McGraw Hill, will be on shelves October 26.
With our help, Steve Kahan finished a proposal for his second book, and once again, Linda Konnor, the agent we connected him to for his first book (Be a Startup Superstar) will be representing him.
We have another client who has received offers from 3 publishers and is close to selecting one soon. Stand by for more updates , as three more clients are on the cusp of signing with literary agents. Names to be disclosed soon.
Be sure to stay tuned so you can hear about R Colucci LLC latest wins here first!
July 2021
Summer is one of publishing’s sleepier times as agents and publishers rotate through vacations and prepare for the fall onslaught.
While that has given the R Colucci, LLC team some time to breathe, our clients have continued making steady progress on their projects.
Big congratulations to Joanna Grover Watson and Dr. Jonathan Rhodes who just signed with literary agent Eileen Cope of Mark Creative Management, LLC to help bring their book about applying Functional Imagery Training (FIT) to your everyday life to market.
We also welcomed another standout astronaut to the “pipeline,” and have started work with a client on a COVID-related book.
Next month is shaping up to be another good one, so be sure you’re following along, and don’t forget to check back in!
May 2021
Congratulations to our client, Will Russell, who has signed with literary agent Linda Konnor to represent him and his book on how to launch a “failproof” business. Next step is to finalize some minor changes to the proposal and start pitching!
Also, shout outs go to Christine Hronec and Eric Strafel, each of whom has completed the revisions requested by their publishers, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH) and McGraw Hill respectively.
We have several other clients whose book proposals are nearly done, and we will be pitching to agents in the coming weeks, so stay tuned!
April 2021
March and April have brought some amazing wins for the R Colucci, LLC team to celebrate!
Congratulations to our client Deborah Hines, who is our 5th client to have signed with Sterling Lord Literistic. They will represent her and help her sell her book on criminal justice reform.
Additionally, our youngest client, at only 16 years old, has signed with Park & Fine for her debut novel (as she is a minor, we’ll keep her name confidential for now).
Co-creation Partners principles, Gaurav Swarup Bhatnagar and Mark Minukas have completed their manuscript and turned it in to their editor at McGraw Hill.
And Christine Hronec’s manuscript revisions are complete and turned in to her editor at Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH).
We’re so thrilled to be a part of these amazing projects! Keep following along to see the finished products.
February 2021
Exciting update! Our client, Nicole Stott’s book, Back to Earth: What Life in Space Taught Me About Our Home Planet – and Our Mission to Protect It, is now available for preorder! A retired NASA astronaut, having spent a cumulative of 104 days in space, Nicole was the 10th woman to perform a spacewalk. She has worked on both the Space Shuttle and the ISS. As a NASA Aquanaut, she also was part of an 18-day mission on the Aquarius undersea habitat, which is the longest saturation mission to date.
She painted the first watercolor in space, which is now on display in the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum. In her retirement, Nicole has fully engaged her artistic side. Nicole is the founder of the Space for Art Foundation, an organization whose mission is to inspire and unite children in hospitals, refugee centers, and schools around the world with art and science. The projects focus on the wonder of planetary exploration and the interrelatedness of personal and planetary health.
In her book, Nicole imparts the essential lessons she learned on her space flights about just how interconnected we are, and our role to help protect our planet. On the ISS, Nicole saw how humans can overcome their differences to address issues, and she believes we are capable of doing just that to address global issues. A collection of captivating tales mixed with fascinating research on biodiversity, Back to Earth will launch you to new heights. To preorder your copy of Back to Earth, go here:
Our longtime client, Dr. William Li’s New York Times bestseller, Eat to Beat Disease: The New Science of How Your Body Can Heal Disease (Grand Central) was back on the Amazon Top 100 Bestsellers last week, nearly two years to the day of its release on March 19, 2019.
Keep following our Pipeline updates to get an exclusive heads-up on when his next book is out for preorder.
December 2020
Congratulations to 3 of our clients who all turned in their manuscripts to their publishers on time this month!
Eric Strafel turned in his manuscript for Frontline CEO to his editor at McGraw Hill.
Nicole Stott turned in her manuscript for Back to Earth to her editor at Seal Press
And finally, Christine Hronec turned in her manuscript Macro Types to her editor at Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH).
We also are so excited to share that Gaurav Swarup Bhatnagar and Mark Minukas, Founder and Managing Partner of Co-Creation Partners, have signed a deal with McGraw Hill to publish their upcoming book, with the working title “The Fear Advantage.”
Congratulations to them for this success! Stay tuned for more updates as clients move through the R Colucci, LLC. “Pipeline.”
September 2020
Publishing moves a little slower in August, as most of the industry leaves Manhattan and heads for the Hamptons, or some other spot to relax and recharge. So, we didn’t have a lot of new wins, although there are many new clients moving into the Pipeline.
Deals are being made and chapters are being written every week. We do have one major success to share:
Gaurav Swarup Bhatnagar and Mark Minukas, Founder and Managing Partner of Co-Creation Partners, a management consulting firm based in Washington, DC, signed with a literary agent we introduced them to.
August 2020
Welcome to the second installment of our monthly blogpost, The Pipeline! In this blog series, we share about our clients, what they have been up to, recent publishing wins we helped them achieve, and exciting new books to buy and read. Follow it closely to get these exclusive sneak peaks into our projects!
This month, we will be sharing a lot of exciting news with anonymity, as many of our clients are in transitional stages.
Pending Agent Agreement:
We have one client who is about to sign with a literary agent we connected them to after we assisted in preparing their book proposal.
We’ve recently signed on three new clients to help with their book proposals, and they are absolutely killing it. These projects, although early in the developmental stage, will be world-changing and we can’t wait to work with them and bring these projects across the “finish line.”
Book Proposals:
Think you have an idea worthy of a book?
Apply to get a complimentary consultation with us to see if you’re in the right position to write a book proposal.
One private book writing coaching client has signed up for our Manuscript to Marketplace (M2M) Program, since they have finished their manuscript and are moving into the production phase.
Book Writing:
This one doesn’t need to be anonymous! Last month, we told you about our client, Christine Hronec, the biochemist-turned-fitness-extraordinaire, who had signed with Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
Christine has officially engaged us, and we are now in the process of coaching her to write book on Macro Types for weight loss. Get ready, this info is going to rock your world!
With 103k followers on Instagram and over 20 million views on her YouTube channel, Christine has established herself as a leader in women’s health. She has been featured in Forbes, Muscle and Fitness HERS, Muscle and Strength, Flex magazine, and has appeared on Extra TV, Fox News, and CBS.
Stay tuned we have more clients in the pipeline and more deals being finalized every week.
July 2020
Welcome to our first installment of this monthly update of what our clients are up to, recent publishing wins we helped them achieve, and exciting new books to buy and read. Follow our blog post to see our current clients’ progress through “The Pipeline.”
New Books:
Dr. Steven Quay, MD, PhD released his new book COVID-19 Survival Manual: A Physician’s Guide to Keep You and Your Family Healthy during the Pandemic and Beyond. The COVID-19 Survival Manual is chock-full of lifesaving tips you can’t find anywhere else to help you and your family stay healthy while sheltering-in-place, as well as how to (safely) get back to life in the coming weeks and months.
Dr. Quay received his M.D., M.A. and Ph.D. from The University of Michigan, was a postdoctoral fellow at MIT with Nobel Laureate H. Gobind Khorana. He was a resident at the Harvard-Massachusetts General Hospital, and was on the faculty of Stanford University School of Medicine for almost a decade. He is the founder, Chairman, and CEO of Seattle-based Atossa Therapeutics, Inc., a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company developing novel therapeutics and delivery methods for breast cancer and COVID-19.
Dr. William Li’s New York Times bestseller, Eat to Beat Disease: The New Science of How Your Body Can Heal Itself, is coming out in paperback soon, and I’ve been helping him with some exciting updates that we will announce as the publication date nears.
Dr. Li leads the Angiogenesis Foundation. His TED Talk, “Can We Eat to Starve Cancer?” has more than 11 million views. He has been an author of over 100 scientific publications and has served on the faculties of Harvard Medical School, Tufts University, and Dartmouth Medical School.
Book Proposals that Sold:
Christine Hronec signed with Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH), and we will soon begin coaching her to write her upcoming book on Macro Types. Christine is a biochemical engineer-turned-nutrition and fitness expert, and her programs have helped more than 40,000 clients lose weight and change their body composition.
This is a big win, as HMH is the same publisher that put out the mega-bestseller, The Whole 30.
Christine has over 20 million views on her YouTube channel. She has been featured in Forbes, Muscle and Fitness HERS, Muscle and Strength, Flex magazine, and has appeared on Extra TV, Fox News, and CBS. She earned her bachelor’s degree and a Master of Science in chemical and biological engineering from Drexel University and has received awards from the American Chemical Society and was published in the American Institute of Chemical Engineers.
Eric Strafel signed a book deal with McGraw Hill, and is now getting our help to write his upcoming book, Frontline CEO. Eric is Vice President of Strategy for Boeing Global Services. He also is the founder of SUMMi7 that helps companies grow profits and scale their business. He holds an MBA from Carnegie Mellon University.
Nicole Stott signed with Seal Press (a division of Hachette) and is now working with us to write her book, Her book. Back to Earth, will discuss how we can bring the example of peaceful cooperation among nations on the ISS “back to Earth” to help us solve today’s most pressing problems. She describes her process working on the book in a Client Journey interview she did for us, which you can find here.
Nicole is a retired NASA astronaut who has participated in two spaceflights on the Space Shuttle. She spent a cumulative 104 days living and working in space on the International Space Station (ISS).
Contact Robin Colucci for any kind of help to write or publish your books.
April 2020
Dr. Li signed an additional two-book deal in April 2020 with Grand Central in a major deal for 7-figures. We are together again, writing his next book!